Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A piss up in a brewery.

- Well not really though I did get a bit tipsy. Last Friday was Culture night, a night when cultural venues big and small open there doors for the plebs.I love visiting new places and  and so it is one of my favorite arts events (I love Open House too). Then I got the chance through facebook to visit the Rye river brewery in Kilcock CountyKildare ,and of course I jumped at it.
It is housed in an old bakery in the center of kilcock. It was fascinating to see the brewing process from start to finish. It just takes four ingredients to brew beer, water,barley, hops and yeast. The time spent in each step and the temperature can change the taste and color of the beer.  I was amazed to see that they can monitor the process via their smartphones. It is great to see how  passionate the brewers are about their beer McGargles
We tasted nine (I think ) different beers and some chocolate, learning how to taste beer first by swirling it around the glass and smelling it, yes like wine tasting but no spitting out of the precious liquid . Cheers for a great evening Rye river brewing company.

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