Sunday, September 25, 2016

My Culture Night 2016

Culture Night is one of my favorites, I love visiting somewhere new and while the culture explosion in Dublin city is vastly entertaining  in the last few years I have stayed nearer home to enjoy the night. This year I even extended it into two nights. Straffan Steam museum  and on the next night a Bat walk in the grounds of Carton House Maynooth.
 What is beautiful about this place is the machines can be powered up, it is fascinating watching these huge machines in motion and full steam. The setting is beautiful in a Church 'St Judes' moved here from Inchicore. There is a delightful tea room and the walled garden is beautiful.

I didn't take any photographs of the bat walk. There was a large group of people at the Bat walk.  We were divided into groups, we headed for the boathouse first, armed with Bat detectors. Daubenton's bats flew low along the water while others were above our heads ,they make different sounds on the bat detectors.As it got later in the evening we moved on to a small Bridge along the river, the Daubentons were easier to spot with a red torch light that doesn't mess with our night vision like white light does. My grandson got to hold the Bat detector so we could hear them coming along the river and we could see them swooping under the low bridge in the red light. It was an amazing night.

My Culture Night 2015